Here is a simple post about how I apllied and got my ARC card (Alien registartion card) in Korea. The process may look the same or different to you but this is how it worked for me. I hope this post will be of some help to people and will make the process go faster and easier in comparison to my expereince.
Applying for the ARC Card
It is important to notice that you are required to apply for the ARC card within the first 90 days of your stay. You have to visit the nearest immigration office to apply and come back later to pick it up. They will text you when it’s ready.
List of Documents for the ARC card application
This is what you need before going to the Immigration office to apply for the ARC card (if on H-1 Visa)
- Passport
- Application form
- 1 colored photo (3.5cm x 4.5cm)
- Process Fee: KRW 30,000 (Government Revenue Stamp)
- Itinerary or activity plan.
- Certificate of employment (in some cases)
- They also asked for my housing contract.* (I guess relevant if you put down an address)
I missed the three lasts documents because it didn’t say on my receipt, they only listed the basic documents. So make sure to check the website twice to see what documents you need for your specific visa.
Important tip
Oh and do take a nice photo of yourself that isn’t TOO bright, cause they will brighten it up for you and oh boy if you are blond and white like me with a white background… your photo on the ARC card will look horrible. I almost look like that Slenderman character, srsly no face…