I took a nice 4 day 3 night trip to Hong Kong to see my friends and explore! I will tell you all about my experience and recommend you guys the things that I liked the most!
Accommodation – Female Dorm
My friend recommended me to stay at Causeway Bay, cause it’s safer and nice. So I searched the internet and I almost always end up on booking.com cause I just want the cheapest and cleanest place possible. I stayed at a place called Timehouse (Hong Kong Hostel Group) which I can highly recommend for those who travel light and just need a bed and a bathroom that’s clean. It was cheap and near the subway. I will give it two negative points for no window in my room and they only took cash (guessing that’s why it’s so cheap). This is how it looks like and here it is if you want to check it out: Timehouse
I was also very lucky to have shared this room with a kind girl who also writes a Travel blog check her out here: Mireille Mali
Famous STREET FOOD – Egg Tarts, Fish Balls, Egg Bread ETC
I had the privilege to be guided by my good friend Kei! <3 She knew all the tasty food I had to try before I left Hong Kong and oh boy what I ate! I just basically walked a LOT and ate a LOT. And at least the street food was crazy cheap if you compare to Sweden where I’m from. But overall I still think Korea seems a bit cheaper when it comes to food. It is also hard to compare because I found the taste of the food very different. I did appreciate that I could find saltier foods like chips, noodles, chicken and other meat dishes. However, I’m not a big fan of oilier food which Hong Kong has a lot of. So I actually prefer Korean cuisine overall and I guess I’m just used to it.
Fish Balls
I don’t even like Fishy food that much, but I actually liked this! Would definitely eat this during a cold night out with friends. I think it’s the salty and little spicy curry-ish sauce that made me like it! This over Odeng (Korean fish cake) any day!
Egg Tart
Very yummy! For a dollar or even less I think I ate this cookie base egg tart. Warm and fluffy! If you like egg, you have to try this!
Egg Waffles
Wow! This one is probably my favorite one! The egg waffle is so soft and crunchy and just simply enjoyable. The one with added ice cream is an expensive tourist trap if you ask me, I honestly just wanted a nice photo of it haha. Not worth the money cause the plain one does its job well!
Bean Curd Pudding with Sesame Paste
Milk Pudding
Fried Chicken!
Bubble Tea!!!
Famous Instagram Spots!
The Instagram Pier (Western District Public Cargo Working Area) is an awesome place to take great photos! Especially when it’s clear weather and sunset! For me, it was a bit too cloudy but I think I still got some nice shots! Nice view of all the buildings and it also has old lamp posts, caution barriers and cargo pallets, great for photoshoots!
Stanley Area! A beautiful more western style area! Seemed like a more expensive area to live in, had more western food, lots of souvenir shopping and of course great photography spots!
Yik Cheong Building (Monster building) is just an incredibly dense and stacked residential complex! Really cool photo spot! But make sure to stay quiet and don’t bother the residents, they must be tired of all the tourists coming and going all the time.
These are all the photos I wanted to share. I did so many more things such as go up Victoria Peak, see the laser show at Victoria Harbour, go to the island Cheung Chau and more! See my vlog for it!